Yesterday marks the one month mark of when I left home. I had been excited to attend BYU for as long as I can remember; it had been my ultimate goal since middle school and had become an obsession as I entered high school. However, the leading weeks to my departure were difficult for me. I imagined parting with my immediate family and felt very frightened. Although I obviously miss my family, I have come to love my new home in Utah. I knew I would like BYU, but I feared I would miss my family too much to truly enjoy it. I have found that I have experienced many new and exciting opportunities that come with attending a university that values both secular and spiritual learning. Throughout the past month, I have had more unique experiences pertaining to the gospel than ever before in my life.
The week before the semester started, I felt like I should go to the temple, as I had not had the opportunity in over a year, due to the 3.5 hour drive to the temple from my house in Indiana. I made a goal to attend the temple at least once a week for my entire freshman year, and so far, I have stuck to my goal. My roommate, Katie, has joined me in this goal. Even on busy weekends, we always manage to find time, even if our main Friday night activity becomes going to the temple.
I have also had the great opportunity of hearing several apostles speak in person. Before I came to Utah, I had only heard one apostle speak in person, M. Russell Ballard in March of 2013. Since attending BYU, I have had the opportunity to hear from Henry B. Eyring, Richard G. Scott, and Russell M. Nelson. In addition to hearing from these brethren at the inauguration of President Worthen and Regional Conference, we were able to feel of the spirit as President Thomas S. Monson entered the Marriott Center. As we had seats far up in the center, I was surprised that I could feel the spirit before I even knew he entered the room. I look forward to General Conference where I will have these opportunities again, as I have Saturday morning session tickets.
The last very unique experience I had was getting to participate in the Ogden, Utah temple dedication. Before the semester started, I went through the open house with my dad and cousins. Even though the dedication was in the Marriott Center, I felt blessed to be able to hear the messages given at the dedication and be in what was considered an extension of the temple that day. I look forward to next fall when the Indianapolis, IN temple will be dedicated a mile from my dad's office.
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